

On this last day of January, and while many people are celebrating the Chinese New Year, I thought once again about New Year. New Year is not only about new resolutions, but also about new calendars and planners, right?

Those who know me from high school may remember that I used to love paper planners. I always misused them as visual diaries, where I sketch, draw, write and document my activities, thoughts and feelings of the day. The truth is, I still love them until today, and I admire those, who keep scribbling and doodling in their paper planners, even as full-time working adults. See that ほぼ日手帳 video up there? I would love, love, love to be able to dive into that kind of paper world again!

It's not that I don't have time for keeping a visual diary anymore. I could've taken the time if I wanted to. It's more that feeling that the times where I could express myself in scribbles and doodles are already over. The times where I drew monsters and quoted some Nirvana lyrics when I was angry at someone (yes, I was a teenager in the 90's) are long gone. Now I just document mostly my food on Instagram and sometimes vent one or two lines on Facebook. And that's it. Has this ever happened to you? The thought that a period of your life has gone forever, along with the 'you' from that time?

But now I've been thinking of reviving the idea of keeping a paper planner/diary. I'd love to take time to make some collage, write short poems, quote song lyrics, paste some cute stickers and masking tapes, sketch...and when I think about it: even the trips to the local stationery store to choose some cute pens would excite me!

For the start, I purchased a new MUJI planner for 2014 (with almost 40% off!) and dusted off my MUJI all-rounder notebook from 2013. And as you can see, I already decorated the planner with masking tape (yes, I looooove masking tapes!). My goal is to use both of them everyday, and when I actually do, I might reward myself next year with a ほぼ日手帳. But only then! So wish me luck!

Also: why do sketches on such planners look much more appealing when annotated with Japanese? Okay, maybe that one is really just me...

1 comment:

  1. salut ..... !!! masih berlangsung sampe sekarang :-)
    mamie seneng ....
